KnowFrontier is a next-generation portal application for School Districts. This platform serves as the School user’s controlled and secure access point to all education facilities, providing a consistent user experience whether accessed via Desktop or smaller mobile device.
Using KnowFrontier, students and teachers alike can get access to their Apps, provided by the school and District, create their own – and specify their own personalised views.
KnowFrontier provides support for the following types of users:
District Administrators, who manage all applications and users in the district.
School Administrators, who manage all applications and users in the school.
Teachers, who access their teaching applications
Students, who access their learning applications
The application readily integrates with existing and new district applications in support of a Single Sign-On strategy, and allows district users customise their access and display of multiple applications within one user session.
District and School Administrators can create themes (toolbar, text, background colours) for students and teachers, manage the learning applications across the district or school, and access sophisticated analytics to see how the platform is being used. The platform provides out-of-the-box administration screens to facilitate district-wide management:
- District Management. District Administrator users can create new “Tiles” – a tile represent a bookmark, or link, to an application. The District Administrator can stipulate if the tile is required for all schools in the district, whether or not is can be optionally added by a School Administrator, and if it applies to teachers only, students only or both.
- School Management. This screen allows the District and School Administrator users to manage all schools in the district. Using this screen, the Administrator can directly manage the tiles set per School – for teachers and students – and set / edit the School Theme.
- User Management. This screen allows the Administrator to search for users, view their KnowFrontier landing screens, reset user’s tiles (in case they have created custom tiles that contravene District policy,) lock their ability to create custom tiles, or delete users entirely from the system.
- Theme Management. Each School user will have a different “look’n’feel” of KnowFrontier depending on the School Theme. Using this screen, the Administrator user can create as many themes as desired and using the School Management screen, assign these to schools. This means each School user will get a view specific to their school.
- System Management. KnowFrontier integrates with Google Analytics, so schools can use their Analytics account to see how many users are on the system, how they are using the system, and the most popular applications.
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